Fans of the manga series Attack on Titan were devastated when its author, Hajime Isayama, recently announced that he is finished with the story and has no plans to continue the series. This news came as a shock to many, as the series has been a popular hit since it was first published in 2009 and has spawned a multitude of spin-offs, including two anime adaptations and several video games. Despite this, Isayama has declared that he is ready to move on to other projects and has no desire to continue with Attack on Titan.
Attack on titan Author name has finally said he has no interest on going the series anymore.
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Hajime Isayama, the mangaka behind the hit series Attack on Titan, recently announced in an interview that he has no intention of continuing the series. Isayama revealed that he was ready to move on to other projects and wasn’t interested in writing any more manga. This news comes as a shock to fans of the long-running manga and anime series, which is one of the most popular series in the world.
Isayama had originally planned for Attack on Titan to run for about 10 years, but he has now decided to end it prematurely. He thanked his fans for their support over the years and said that he was satisfied with how the story ended. Isayama did not give any indication as to what his next project would be, but said he is looking forward to starting something new.