It Was All a Mistake is an ongoing manga series following the story of Durua Valrose and Nocturne Edgar. After discovering that she has been reincarnated as the villainess of a novel, Durua attempts to befriend Nocturne in order to change her fate. However, Nocturne is the only living black mage who can hear, sense, and control people’s thoughts and emotions, and Durua is the only one who is immune to his magic.
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It Was All a Mistake’s latest chapters, 101-108, were scheduled to be released on June 22, 2023 – August 17, 2023. In these chapters, Durua and Nocturne’s friendship continues to be strained as they try to figure out what the future holds for them. Durua is determined to change her fate, but Nocturne is still unsure what his own role is in the story. With the stakes getting higher, readers are eager to see how the story will end.
It Was All a Mistake is definitely one of the more interesting manga series to come out in recent years. The plot is gripping and the characters are complex and captivating. With the latest chapters released, fans of the series are eagerly awaiting to see what will happen next. Will Durua be able to rewrite her ending, or will her fate remain unchanged? We’ll have to wait and see.
It Was All a Mistake Chapter 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, and 108 Release Date
Chapter 101 | June 22, 2023. |
Chapter 102 | June 29, 2023. |
Chapter 103 | July 6, 2023. |
Chapter 104 | July 13, 2023. |
Chapter 104 | July 20, 2023. |
Chapter 106 | July 27, 2023. |
Chapter 107 | August 3, 2023. |
Chapter 108 | August 10, 2023. |
Chapter 109 | August 17, 2023. |
Chapter 101 was released on June 22, 2023, Chapter 102 was released on June 29, 2023, Chapter 103 was released on July 6, 2020, Chapter 104 was released on July 13, 2023, Chapter 105 was released on July 20, 2023, Chapter 106 was released on July 27, 2023, Chapter 107 was released on August 3, 2023, and Chapter 108 was released on August 10, 2023.
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Where to Read It Was All a Mistake?
It Was All a Mistake is a manga series written and illustrated by G-ANNE. It is currently being serialized on the digital manga platform Tappytoon. The series is also available to read in English on the web tappytoon manga app.