World Cup Japan: The lineup of the One Piece team includes a very strong defense and goalkeeper⚔️?
It is fun to see fans supporting anime creator countries while other communities create a lineup of a character to feature the match Japan against Costa Rica, even though this has been on the lips of social media users as a matter of fact.
The lineup features one-piece characters such as Luffy, kaido, whiteboard, Rojer, king, jozu, Bart, katakuro and oden. the subtitles is yet to be list because will can see Sanji is not yet on the list, but what we see is that we are now celebrating an anime creator country’s victory over Costa Rica.
However, a tweet from an official stig that post the full image and both subtitles of the lineup, I think! It will benefit some of you guys to check it out. My username is @stigtoon.